Analysis of clinical outcomes and nursing in 126 gravidas with placenta praevia 126例前置胎盘保守治疗的临床观察和护理
To investigate the significance about hemostasis of placenta praevia that ligated or non-ligated ascending branches of uterine artery during cesarean section. 探讨结扎子宫动脉上行支在前置胎盘剖宫产术中术后出血的意义。
A survey of psychologic status of gravida with placenta praevia during expectant treatment 前置胎盘孕妇期待疗法期间的心理状况调查
Conclusion Caesarean section for first live birth is associated with a47% increased risk of placenta praevia and40% increased risk of placental abruption in second pregnancy with a singleton. 结论:首次分娩采用剖宫产女性在第二次怀孕(单胎)发生前置胎盘风险为47%,发生胎盘早剥风险为40%。
Analysis of clinical efficacy of uterine cavity ribbon gauze packing for treatment of hematorrhea during cesarean section in32 cases of placenta praevia. 子宫腔填塞纱条治疗前置胎盘剖宫产术中大出血32例分析。
Clinical research of section choice in caesarean section for placenta praevia 前置胎盘剖宫产子宫切口选择的临床研究
Objective To investigate the relationship between the types of placenta praevia, antepartum haemorrhage and clinical outcomes. 目的探讨前置胎盘类型、产前出血状况与妊娠结局的关系。
Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage due to placenta praevia by intravenous injection of ergonovine 静注麦角新碱预防前置胎盘产后大出血
Diagnosis of placenta praevia by ultrasound ( analysis of 38 cases) 前置胎盘的超声诊断(附38例分析)
Objective: To investigate the causes of placenta praevia, the timing and methods of stopping pregnancy and measures of stopping bleeding. 目的:探讨前置胎盘发生原因、终止妊娠时机、方式及止血措施。
Cases were borderline placenta praevia, the accuracy rate is 16%. 边缘型前置胎盘6例,占16%;
The safety of amnioinfusion in placenta praevia with premature infant. Influence of Colon Hydrotherapy on Premature Infant with Jaundice 羊膜腔灌注术治疗前置胎盘未成熟儿的安全评估肠道水疗对早产儿黄疸的影响
Results: Premature rupture of membrane, pregnancy-induced hypertension and placenta praevia were the main risk factors for premature delivery; 结果:胎膜早破、妊娠期高血压疾病及前置胎盘是导致早产的主要原因,而胎儿窘迫、胎盘早剥、臀先露及双胎妊娠亦是引起早产不可忽视的因素。
There were not low placenta praevia in these cases. 本组病例中未遇到低置型前置胎盘。
Retrospective analysis on clinical outcomes in 86 gravidas with placenta praevia 86例前置胎盘妊娠结局分析
That the patients with placenta praevia were treated by temporization and elongated their pregnancy periods, which reduced the incidence of low birth weight children. 通过期待疗法,尽量延长孕龄,降低了低出生体重儿的发生率。
Epidemiological Features of Placenta Praevia and Its Temporization 前置胎盘的流行病学特征及其期待疗法
[ Results] Premature rupture of membrane, fetal distress, severe pregnancy induced hypertension, placenta praevia were the main risk factors of premature delivery. 结果胎膜早破,胎儿宫内窘迫,重度妊高征,前置胎盘是引起早产的主要因素。
And 14 cases were partial placenta praevia, the accuracy rate is 37%. 部分型前置胎盘14例,占37%;
Age, cesarean section, placenta praevia and scared uterus are the risk factors of hysterectomy after PPH. 剖宫产、产妇年龄、前置胎盘及瘢痕子宫是产后出血致子宫切除的危险因素。